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In 2016 my 68-year-old mother took me to the Next Gen Technology Bar at Gonzaga University. She wanted me to try the lab's HTC Vive headset. The first app I used was Google Earth. As I stood there, floating in space, spinning the globe like a marble, I knew deep down that VR was going to change the world as we know it. 


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And so I wrote a book...

Within days of my first experience in virtual reality a short story began to unfold in my head. That short story turned into a novel exploring the how virtual reality will impact education and make a difference in our world as we know it.


The ability to interact with 3D models and explore worlds will forever change how we learn, think, and the decisions we make. 



Facilitate the collaboration between technology, education and business to increase the pace in which communities have access to high quality VR experiences. 

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