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1.2 Digital Citizen

Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.



Students practice responsible use of technology through teacher-guided online activities and interactions to understand how the digital space impacts their life.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 2):

Students identify both positive and negative impacts technology can have on them. (Virtual Reality can be addicting, yet it can allow them to experience things never seen before.)

Students explain how information shared online leaves a digital footprint or “trail.” In VR you can have screenshots, recordings, or written records of your actions.



With guidance from an educator, students understand how to be careful when using devices and how to be safe online, follow safety rules when using the internet and collaborate with others.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 2):

Students can explain the potential implications of interacting with others online.

Students can explain that a virtual reality avatar may be different than the person who created the avatar. 

Students can create and avatar and use voice changing technology to understand how others may use avatars. 

Students can explain the difference between information that is likely safe and appropriate to share online, and information that should be kept private. Should not share their real name, birthday, address, or other personal information.



Students learn about, demonstrate and encourage respect for intellectual property with both print and digital media when using and sharing the work of others.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 2):

Students understand and can articulate the importance of respecting others’ belongings as they apply to digital content and information.

​Students can locate an author and/or title for a virtual resource.

​Students understand that some digital content may be created by a company and not a single person. For example, a single person may create a digital artwork in a social experience or a group of people are responsible for creating Tilt Brush.

Connected Standard 

ELA SL 4.5

  • Add audio recording and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas and themes. ELA SL 4.5



Students demonstrate an understanding of what personal data is, how to keep it private and how it might be shared online.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 2):

Students can explain basic steps to follow when choosing a virtual reality experience to use for personal use (e.g., social games vs. single player games).

Students can explain why they shouldn’t enter their personal information into a website, online game system, etc. without adult supervision.

Connected Standard 

Explain what passwords are and why we use them, and use strong passwords to protect devices and information from unauthorized access. CS 1A-NI-04

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