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1.1 Empowered Learner

Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.



Students develop learning goals in collaboration with an educator, select the Virtual Reality tools to achieve them, and reflect on and revise the learning process as needed to achieve goals.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 5):


Students collect work samples in virtual reality or downloaded VR video and conference with teacher and parent to set a goal for improvement.

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Students participate in physical exercises in virtual reality then screenshot and record their progress.  Student review progress and rate themselves on a rubric before making a goal to improve.


With guidance, students identify and use virtual reality tools or resources to support planning, implementing and reflecting upon a defined task. SCRUM (software engineering)


Students explain their choice of selected digital learning tools and resources to support productivity and learning, explaining how three-dimensional models may enhance the learning experience over a two-dimensional model.



With the oversight and support of an educator, students build a network of experts and peers within school policy and customize their environments to enhance their learning.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 5):


• Students create a list of classmates to ask for help based on skills, and keeps this list to use later. Students may be experts at caring for virtual reality hardware, using software, certain virtual reality apps, or in-game tools.



Students seek feedback from both people and features embedded in digital tools, and use age-appropriate technology to share learning.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 3):

Students evaluate the various features of virtual reality tools and select tools based on the characteristics of a specific audience.


Students create a piece of art or game and get feedback from other grade band levels. Students use in and out of game feedback tools in virtual reality. Students share learning through video, screen casting the virtual experience and/or allowing others to view through a headset. Tools to solicit teacher and peer feedback to help make edits, as appropriate.

Connected Standard 

ELA SL 4.5

  • Add audio recording and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas and themes. ELA SL 4.5



Students explore age-appropriate technologies and begin to transfer their learning to different tools or learning environments.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 5):


Students collect and evaluate data, and create graphical displays using Virtual Reality

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Students learn how to choose and transfer information from one digital platform to another (e.g., take a screen shot or video in Virtual Reality and transfer to PC (Using a link cable for Oculus.)

Connected Standard 

ELA W8 (3)

Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories. ELA W8 (3)

Connected Standard 

CS 1A-CS-02

Use appropriate terminology in identifying and describing the function of common physical components of computing systems (hardware). CS 1A-CS-02

Connected Standard 

Model how computer hardware and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks. CS 1B-CS-02

Connected Standard 

CS 1B-CS-03

Determine potential solutions to solve simple hardware and software problems using common troubleshooting strategies. CS 1B-CS-03

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