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1.7 Global Communicator

​Students use Virtual Reality to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.



With guidance from an educator, students use Virtual Reality to work with friends and with people outside their neighborhood, city and beyond.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 2):

Students collaborate with others from around the world to complete tasks.

Compete with others from around the globe to achieve physical education stats.

Students meet with others from around the globe to view and discuss video in Virtual Reality.

Students meet with others from around the world to develop a project, build a game, view art, code, conduct a class.

Connected Standard 

CS 1A-IC-17

Work respectfully and responsibly with others online.

Connected Standard 


Identify and explain a range of local, regional, and global problems, and some ways in which people are trying to address them.

Connected Standard 


Use listening, consensus-building, and voting procedures to decide on and take action in their classrooms.

Connected Standard 


Identify ways to take action to help address local, regional, and global problems.



With guidance from an educator, students use Virtual Reality to communicate with others and to look at problems from different perspectives.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 2):

Students tour historical and geographical locations in VR

Students experience current or historical documentaries in VR.

Students participate in global collaborative projects utilizing Virtual Reality.

Students record and share their perspectives with supporting reasoning using 360 photos and video.

Connected Standard 


Identify and explain a range of local, regional, and global problems, and some ways in which people are trying to address them.

Connected Standard 

Social Studies E2.2.2

Describe the goods and services that people in the local community produce and those that are produced in other communities

Connected Standard 


Identify ways to take action to help address local, regional, and global problems.

Connected Standard 

Social Studies E4.1.1

Explain that people need to trade for products that are not found in their geographic region.



With guidance from an educator, students take on different team roles and use Virtual Reality to complete projects.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 2):

Students work collaboratively to create a 3D virtual experience and assume roles such as writer, camera, editor, or artist.

Students collaborate with others from around the world to complete tasks.

Connected Standard 

Use listening, consensus-building, and voting procedures to decide on and take action in their classrooms.



With guidance from an educator, students use Virtual Reality to work together to understand problems and suggest solutions.

Samples of student performance (by the end of grade 2):

Students view global images and video to better visualize geographical change.

Students work together in a virtual laboratory to conduct experiments.

Students work together in the same virtual space to explore a physics problem and apply solutions.

Connected Standard 

​Identify ways to take action to help address local, regional, and global problems.

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