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Google Earth VR.jfif



Explore the world from totally new perspectives. Stroll the streets of Tokyo, soar over Yosemite, or teleport across the globe.




Experience: Real world sand box. Explore the Earth.

VR Type: Room-scale. Walk, teleport, or fly. Comfort mode available.

Time: infinite

Repeatability: Forever

Recommended Ages: 13+ 

Save Function: Take pictures, curate videos and playlists. 

Warnings: Overall even reviews  recognize Google Earth VR as appropriate for all ages. Students may discover public content their parents deem inappropriate such as museum artwork (naked statues) or an uncensored image within street view.  However, the same privacy concerns regarding most large technology companies apply. See Google's info concerning education accounts here





The earth is at your fingertips. Spin the globe, fly across the continents, visit world heritage sites, and stroll through famous museums all without having to pay a dime. 

Narrative Tour

Google has curated some incredible tour around the globe that take you from location to location. 

Anticipatory Set


Google Earth provides context for almost any lesson. 



Technology: 1.1b, 1.3c, 1.3d, 1.6a-d, 1.7d

Social Studies: SSS2, SSS4, G1-G3 are likely to be hit while exploring Google Earth freely. Almost any SS standard could be incorporated based on the lesson plan and objectives of specific learning activities. â€‹

SEL: 4a-b

VR Highlights


Google Earth VR put the world at your fingertips. No other VR experience currently matches Google Earth for the sheer access to images and data from around the globe. 

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